PHILIPS TDA4858 Economy Autosync Deflection Controller (EASDC) 说明书

该文件是关于TDA4858的产品手册,介绍了产品的特点特性,包括Full Horizontal (H) plus Vertical (V) autosync capability、Completely DC controllable for analog and digital concepts、Excellent geometry control functions、Flexible Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) function block for feedback and feed forward converters、X-ray protection、Start-up and switch-off sequence for safe operation of all power components、Very good vertical linearity、Internal supply voltage stabilization等

厂商: 飞利浦

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 208 KB

文件校验: 23BFA551DDB6554CFF4DAF25E26A4362

上传时间: 2012-02-14 10:47:00

下载统计: 441

PDF链接: PHILIPS TDA4858 Economy Autosync Deflection Controller (EASDC) 说明书 PDF
