3M Scotch Super 33+ Vinyl Electrical Tape 数据手册

更新: 30 September, 2023

Scotch® Super 33+ Vinyl Electrical Tape is a premium grade, 0.178mm thick, all-weather vinyl insulating tape. It is designed to perform continuously in a temperature ambient of up to 105°C (220°F). The tape is conformable for cold weather application down to –18° (0°F). It has excellent resistance to abrasion, moisture, alkalies, acids, corrosion and varying weather conditions (including ultraviolet exposure). The combination of elastic backing and aggressive adhesive provides moisture-tight electrical and mechanical protection with minimum bulk. Super 33+ is an Underwriters’ Laboratories Listed and Canadian Standards Association Certified “Insulating Tape”.

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MD5: C6E81EEE9C4582A2A7B04E5968036F29

发布时间: 09 April, 2012

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