PHILIPS P89LPC920/921/922 80C51 8-bit microcontroller with two-clock core 2 KB/4 KB/8 KB 3 V low-power Flash with 256 Byte RAM USER MANUAL

该手册介绍了P89LPC920/921/922 80C51 8位微控制器的特性和特点,包括引脚配置、时钟、中断、I/O端口、电源监控功能等

厂商: 飞利浦

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 951 KB

文件校验: 4788583F04C7D3EDCF474B288A49C5EA

上传时间: 2012-05-02 10:03:00

下载统计: 624

PDF链接: PHILIPS P89LPC920/921/922 80C51 8-bit microcontroller with two-clock core 2 KB/4 KB/8 KB 3 V low-power Flash with 256 Byte RAM USER MANUAL PDF
