NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR - DP83849IF PHYTER® DUAL Industrial Temperature with Fiber Support (FX) and Flexible Port Switching Dual Port 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver 数据手册

National Semiconductor Corporation发布了DP83849IF PHYTER® DUAL Industrial Temperature with Fiber Support (FX) and Flexible Switching Dual Port 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver技术,该产品具有两个完全独立的10/100端口,适用于多端口应用,支持MII和RMII接口,还支持铜缆和光纤介质,并包含强大的新诊断工具来确保初始网络操作和维护。

厂商: National

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 3889 KB

文件校验: 2FAC9BC7D2A1F9C7DB0ABD9B79AB5A50

上传时间: 2012-05-08 10:07:00

下载统计: 559

PDF链接: NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR - DP83849IF PHYTER® DUAL Industrial Temperature with Fiber Support (FX) and Flexible Port Switching Dual Port 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver 数据手册 PDF
