TT electronics P140 14mm Rotary Potentiometer Dual Unit Conductive Plastic Element With / Without Bushing Insulated Shaft RoHS Compliant

P140 系列旋转电位器是 BI Technologies 公司生产的一种产品,其产品特点是双单元、塑料电阻元件、带/不带衬套、绝缘轴,符合 RoHS 标准

厂商: TT

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 224 KB

文件校验: 472C611D7CAAEE044036C546581C56CF

上传时间: 2012-06-06 14:54:00

下载统计: 612

PDF链接: TT electronics P140 14mm Rotary Potentiometer Dual Unit Conductive Plastic Element With / Without Bushing Insulated Shaft RoHS Compliant PDF
