XILINX XCR5128: 128 Macrocell CPLD 数据手册

介绍了Xilinx XPLA PLD的特点特性,包括总CMOS PLD、快零功耗设计技术、IEEE 1149.1-compliant、JTAG Testing Capability、5V、In-System Programmable (ISP)、高速度 pin-to-pin delays、超低静态功耗、100% routable、四个时钟、可编程时钟极性、支持异步时钟、创新的XPLA™架构、1000 erase/program cycles、20 years data retention、逻辑可扩展到37 product terms、PCI compliant、Advanced 0.5µ E2CMOS process、Security bit prevents unauthorized access、Design entry and verification using industry standard and Xilinx CAE tools、Reprogrammable using industry standard design tools


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