AGILENT Screening of Pesticide Residues in Water by Sequential Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction-Thermal Desorption with GC/MS Application Note

该文档介绍了一种用于水中农药残留检测的连续式搅拌棒吸附萃取-热脱附-气质联用仪法(Sequential SBSE-TD-GC/MS)

厂商: 安捷伦

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 744 KB

文件校验: 933279BB8143983730FFBFAEFCAB5781

上传时间: 2012-07-02 17:33:00

下载统计: 417

PDF链接: AGILENT Screening of Pesticide Residues in Water by Sequential Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction-Thermal Desorption with GC/MS Application Note PDF
