Agilent External Experiment Module 说明书
The External Experiment Module is an optical table that can be attached to any Agilent FTIR spectrometer for custom experiments, such as reflection and polarization modulation, grazing angle of thin films with photoelastic modulator, do-it-yourself accessories, and analysis of large samples. It features a large base plate, standard optical 1/4 x 20 drilled and tapped holes, magnetic surface, clear plastic purge cover, large orifices, and platforms for detector and sampling accessories.
厂商: 安捷伦
文件类型: PDF
文件大小: 112 KB
文件校验: 505C98635667F141A650B8DF668B55E4
上传时间: 2012-07-04 18:14:00
下载统计: 402
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