Agilent Bio-Monolith DEAE Column 数据手册
Bio-Monolith DEAE columns are high-performance monolith columns that offer all the advantages of a specially designed, continuous short polymeric bed. Their inherent features enable highly reproducible separations of macro bio-molecules, large proteins, DNA, and viral particles, at extremely high speeds. These columns are prepacked in dedicated stainless steel housings and allow user-friendly (and quick) connections to HPLC equipment.
厂商: 安捷伦
文件类型: PDF
文件大小: 38 KB
文件校验: BC6F1071F8E4928A82D6BCC51E8FBDFE
上传时间: 2012-07-04 18:24:00
下载统计: 451
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