Agilent Understanding the effects of proteins and buffers on staining, denaturation, and electrophoresis when analyzing proteins with Agilent P200 ScreenTape 说明书

本文件介绍了Agilent P200 ScreenTape在分析蛋白质时,蛋白质和缓冲液对染色、变性和电泳的影响

厂商: 安捷伦

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 567 KB

文件校验: FD61D74D42E53EBFEAF954A29171B422

上传时间: 2012-07-05 18:25:00

下载统计: 612

PDF链接: Agilent Understanding the effects of proteins and buffers on staining, denaturation, and electrophoresis when analyzing proteins with Agilent P200 ScreenTape 说明书 PDF
