Agilent Pesticide Dynamic MRM Compound Database for Screening and Identification Using the Agilent LC/MS Triple Quadrupole Systems 说明书

本文件介绍了Agilent Triple Quadrupole LC/MS系统用于检测和鉴别农药的动态MRM化合物数据库

厂商: 安捷伦

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 3164 KB

文件校验: AF545D82EA2043F3A57200F8AB62A22A

上传时间: 2012-07-05 10:42:00

下载统计: 626

PDF链接: Agilent Pesticide Dynamic MRM Compound Database for Screening and Identification Using the Agilent LC/MS Triple Quadrupole Systems 说明书 PDF
