Agilent RRLC impurity profiling to detect non-UV absorbing compounds using diode array detection, single quadrupole MS and evaporative light scattering detection 说明书

该文件介绍了Agilent 1200 Series Diode Array Detector (DAD), Agilent 6140 Single Quadrupole LC/MS system和Agilent 1200 Series Evaporative Light Scattering Detector (ELSD)的组合,该组合可以检测非紫外线吸收化合物

厂商: 安捷伦

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 411 KB

文件校验: 513148221EE07470BFA47217DBCA6D37

上传时间: 2012-07-05 10:44:00

下载统计: 533

PDF链接: Agilent RRLC impurity profiling to detect non-UV absorbing compounds using diode array detection, single quadrupole MS and evaporative light scattering detection 说明书 PDF
