Agilent Multidimensional LC for separation of protein digests - A technical description of the Agilent 1100 Series nanoflow LC/MS system 说明书

Agilent 1100 Series nanoflow LC/MS系统是用于分离蛋白质消化物的多维液相色谱法,该技术描述了该系统的配置和使用方法

厂商: 安捷伦

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 651 KB

文件校验: 32FD386A449C6D55A7B3B09BA5964628

上传时间: 2012-07-05 15:48:00

下载统计: 477

PDF链接: Agilent Multidimensional LC for separation of protein digests - A technical description of the Agilent 1100 Series nanoflow LC/MS system 说明书 PDF
