MOTOROLA MC10E193/MC100E193 数据手册(1)

The MC10E/100E193 is an error detection and correction (EDAC) circuit. Modified Hamming parity codes are generated on an 8-bit word according to the pattern shown in the logic symbol. The P5 output gives the parity of the whole word. The word parity is also provided at the PGEN pin, after Odd/Even parity control and gating with the BPAR input. This output also feeds to a 1-bit shiftable register, for use as part of a scan ring. Used in conjunction with 12-bit parity generators such as the E160, a SECDED (single error correction, double error detection) error system can be designed for a multiple of an 8-bit word.

厂商: 摩托罗拉

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 70 KB

文件校验: BB79AFA2DFD691959D035720839ECE15

上传时间: 2012-07-09 14:49:00

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