ST STEVAL-MKI101V1 MEMS demonstration board based on the LPY450AL (dual-axis pitch and yaw ±500 dps analog gyroscope) 数据手册

本文件介绍了STEVAL-MKI101V1 MEMS演示板的特点和特性。该演示板基于LPY450AL(双轴俯仰和偏航±500 dps模拟陀螺仪)产品系列,具有两种工作模式:模拟(AWM)和数字(DWM)。

厂商: ST

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 126 KB

文件校验: B70F055698135DE7C85EC825C723B752

上传时间: 2012-08-07 10:44:00

下载统计: 535

PDF链接: ST STEVAL-MKI101V1 MEMS demonstration board based on the LPY450AL (dual-axis pitch and yaw ±500 dps analog gyroscope) 数据手册 PDF
