ST STEVAL-IHP002V2 Smartplug system to measure and control AC loads based on the STM32, ST7540 PLM and STPM01 数据手册

STEVAL-IHP002V2是STMicroelectronics公司基于STM32F103CB微控制器、ST7540 PLM模块和STPM01单相能量测量IC开发的一款智能插座系统,用于测量和控制交流负载。

厂商: ST

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 283 KB

文件校验: 6259849001BD1D86BCE33E783362B4F6

上传时间: 2012-08-07 14:41:00

下载统计: 640

PDF链接: ST STEVAL-IHP002V2 Smartplug system to measure and control AC loads based on the STM32, ST7540 PLM and STPM01 数据手册 PDF
