ST M24256-B M24128-B 256Kbit and 128Kbit Serial I²C Bus EEPROM With Three Chip Enable Lines 数据手册

该文档介绍了256Kbit和128Kbit的Serial I²C Bus EEPROM With Three Chip Enable Lines的产品特性,包括兼容I2C Extended Addressing、Two Wire I2C Serial Interface Supports 400 kHz Protocol、Single Supply Voltage、Hardware Write Control、BYTE and PAGE WRITE、RANDOM and SEQUENTIAL READ Modes、Self-Timed Programming Cycle、Automatic Address Incrementing、Enhanced ESD/Latch-Up Behavior、More than 100,000 Erase/Write Cycles、More than 40 Year Data Retention等

厂商: ST

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 170 KB

文件校验: CFB361026D48979B1FB2673812C8C9DD

上传时间: 2012-08-09 17:26:00

下载统计: 462

PDF链接: ST M24256-B M24128-B 256Kbit and 128Kbit Serial I²C Bus EEPROM With Three Chip Enable Lines 数据手册 PDF
