ST STEVAL-TDR014V1 Demonstration board based on the PD55008-E for UHF mobile radio 数据手册
The STEVAL-TDR014V1 is a demonstration board using the PD55008-E common source N-channel enhancement-mode lateral field effect RF power amplifier. It is designed as a driver for UHF mobile radio applications.
厂商: ST
文件类型: PDF
文件大小: 745 KB
文件校验: 8A9860B44C30C119A502BDBAE6E24ADA
上传时间: 2012-08-09 18:04:00
下载统计: 542
PDF链接: ST STEVAL-TDR014V1 Demonstration board based on the PD55008-E for UHF mobile radio 数据手册 PDF