ST M95128-W M95128-R M95128-DF 128-Kbit serial SPI bus EEPROM with high-speed clock 数据手册

M95128-W M95128-R M95128-DF 128-Kbit serial SPI bus EEPROM with high-speed clock datasheet. This datasheet provides information on the M95128-W, M95128-R, and M95128-DF 128-Kbit serial SPI bus EEPROMs with high-speed clock.

厂商: ST

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 661 KB

文件校验: 6093F4725718E9996D692DBB3DA00DF5

上传时间: 2012-08-09 22:48:00

下载统计: 523

PDF链接: ST M95128-W M95128-R M95128-DF 128-Kbit serial SPI bus EEPROM with high-speed clock 数据手册 PDF
