ST M95640 M95640-W M95640-R M95640-DR 64 Kbit serial SPI bus EEPROMs with high-speed clock 数据手册
M95640, M95640-W, M95640-R, M95640-DR 64 Kbit serial SPI bus EEPROMs with high-speed clock,是ST公司生产的一种兼容于Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI)总线的64 Kbit(8 Kbytes)的EEPROM。其特点是:内存阵列为64 Kb(8 Kbytes)的EEPROM,页面大小为32 bytes,具有Write lockable Page(Identification page),支持Byte Write within 5 ms和Page Write within 5 ms,支持Write Protect,最高时钟频率为20 MHz,单电源电压为1.8 V 至 5.5 V,支持1 million Write cycles和40-year data retention,并具有Enhanced ESD Protection。
厂商: ST
文件类型: PDF
文件大小: 348 KB
文件校验: 1F30D351F6309569F5FD0C288BA3156A
上传时间: 2012-08-09 22:49:00
下载统计: 483
PDF链接: ST M95640 M95640-W M95640-R M95640-DR 64 Kbit serial SPI bus EEPROMs with high-speed clock 数据手册 PDF