The Chuckleberry Growing Guide
The Chuckleberry is a new and very exciting addition to our fruit family, bred by Chas Welch in Norfolk who crossed a redcurrant with a gooseberry and Jostaberry (itself a hybrid of a gooseberry and blackcurrant). The result is a high yielding blackcurrant-like bush - compact, with fairly straight shoots, growing on the growth from the previous year and also sending up new shoots from the base of the bush (the stool). The fruit is mainly produced on the wood from the previous year, so the bush should not be cut down each year, but pruned to remove older growth and to maintain fruit production. The bushes we sell to gardeners are grown from our own PHPS certified cuttings. We plant these ourselves and grow them on throughout the summer, ready for despatch as one-year-old bushes when they are dormant between November and March/April.
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