
Agilent Analysis Of Chloramphenicol by Negative Ion Electrospray LC/MS/MS Application Note


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Agilent Rapid Characterization of Phospholipids on the 320-MS Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS with ACD Labs/MS Manager Software Application Note

本文介绍了Varian公司的320-MS三重四极质谱仪如何通过ACD Labs/MS Manager软件快速表征磷脂类物质。磷脂是一类存在于生物膜中的脂类分子,本文展示了如何通过质谱和MS/MS谱图鉴定磷脂类物质,并通过ACD Labs/MS Manager软件确认其结构。

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Agilent The Analysis of Sulfur Components in Various LPGs Application Note


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Agilent Quantitation of Digoxin in Human Plasma Using Negative Ion Electrospray Ionization LC/MS Application Note

本文介绍了一种使用Varian 1200L LC/MS/MS系统在负离子检测模式下对人血浆中强心苷类药物地高辛进行定量检测的方法。该方法能够检测到低至15皮克的血浆地高辛水平。

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Agilent Ultra-fast NMR Spectroscopy in Cold Probes: A Powerful Combination To Study Dynamics in Bio-molecules Application Note


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Agilent Mass Spectrometry With Evaporative Light Scattering Detection: A Powerful Analytical Combination for the Analysis of Select Pharmaceuticals Application Note


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Agilent Using emulation mode to control Agilent 1260 Infinity LC Systems through Waters Empower software Application Note

本文介绍了使用Waters Empower软件通过仿真模式控制Agilent 1260 Infinity LC系统的方法。该软件支持评估Agilent 1260 Infinity UV检测器获取的二维、三维和光谱原始数据,但不支持Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD。同时,该软件还支持通过Agilent Lab Monitor和Diagnostic软件进行维护和诊断。

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Agilent Evaluation of 1200L LC/MS/MS for the Analysis of Cyclosporin A Application Note

该文件评估了Varian 1200L LC/MS/MS在环孢素A分析中的效用和性能。该系统具有自动在线提取功能,并通过Varian MS Workstation软件进行控制和完全自动化操作。使用多反应监测(MRM)功能来证明LC/MS/MS系统的灵敏度和稳定性。

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Agilent Characterization of Alkyl Amine Ethoxylate Emulsifier (Ethomeen T/20H) Using TurboDDS on the 500-MS Ion Trap LC/MS Application Note

该应用笔记介绍了使用Varian 500-MS离子阱LC/MS的TurboDDS技术对多组分、聚合型乳化剂Ethomeen T/20H进行表征的方法

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Agilent LC/MS Analysis of Isocyanate Derivatives Using the 500-MS Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer Application Note

Varian 500-MS离子阱质谱仪可用于分析异氰酸酯衍生物,该方法在低浓度下分离和鉴定四种异氰酸酯衍生物,且分析时间短。

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Agilent Fine Chemicals: Identification of Impurities in Drug Intermediates by LC/MSD Ion Trap Application Note

本文介绍了Agilent Technologies, Inc.生产的高纯度药物中间体的敏感杂质检测。通过使用Agilent LC/MSD Ion Trap,对生产氟拉西泮、依那普利和氟尼拉嗪药物中间体的杂质进行了检测,并提供了足够的信息来推测相应杂质的结构。

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Agilent Challenging Pesticide Analysis Using an Agilent J&W DB-35ms Ultra Inert GC Column Application Note

该文档介绍了一种使用安捷伦J&W DB-35ms UI 20 m × 0.18 mm, 0.18 µm柱进行农药分析的方法,该方法可以有效分离有机氯和有机磷农药,并且具有良好的分离度和重现性。

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Agilent Sensitive determination of impurities in achiral pharmaceuticals by supercritical fluid chromatography using the Agilent 1260 Infinity Analytical SFC System Application Note

本研究应用超临界流体色谱法(SFC)对两种模型化合物中亚硫胺进行了定量测定,研究了该方法的线性、重现性、检测限以及相对保留时间。结果表明,SFC 是一种有效的方法,可用于测定亚硫胺在药品中的含量。

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Agilent Low level measurement of cadmium in foods Application Note


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Agilent The determination of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb in a concentrated CaCl2/NaCl solution by AAS Application Note


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Agilent Evaluation of a new forked platform design for graphite furnace AAS Application Note

介绍了应用于Agilent GTA石墨炉的新型分叉平台设计的评估

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Agilent The determination of trace elements in stainless steel by forked platform GFAAS Application Note


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Agilent Determination of Volatile Aromatic Compounds in Soil by Manual SPME and Agilent 5975T LTM GC/MSD Application Note

该应用笔记描述了使用便携式Agilent 5975T LTM GC/MSD检测土壤中13种挥发性芳香族化合物的现场解决方案。该解决方案使用手动SPME方法进行样品预处理。Agilent 5975T LTM GC/MSD的可移植性使得现场检测成为可能,同时节省了土壤采样时间和存储。测试结果证明,该解决方案对于现场土壤挥发性有机化合物检测是实用有效的。该方法的最低检测量为土壤中1.0 µg/kg。

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