搜博 SLST1-11管道检测通用温度传感器 操作手册(1)(1)

Sonbest SLST1-11 series stainless steel digital temperature sensor with metal pad film technology, adopts the low power sensor cable, can be customized installation pipe threads, works in the water for a long time, IP protection grade IP67, M25 comes standard thread, supports bus line transmission.

厂商: 上海搜博新能源科技

文件类型: PDF

文件大小: 248 KB

文件校验: 8E077742C7CE997050A0B5D0895721D2

上传时间: 2012-02-18 19:01:00

下载统计: 561

PDF链接: 搜博 SLST1-11管道检测通用温度传感器 操作手册(1)(1) PDF
